Active Thermal Control in Neutral-Point-Clamped Multilevel Converters Based on Switching-Cell Arrays
Neutral-point-clamped multilevel converters are a suitable solution to the implementation of low–medium voltage and power applications at present, thanks to their intrinsic superior voltage and current quality.
Electrical Engineers, Electronic Suppliers and Manufacturers, EV Manufacturers, Power Electronic Engineers
E-Volve Cluster, Multilevel Converter, Neutral-Point-Clamped Multilevel Converter, SCAPE, Switching-Cell Array, Temperature Balancing Control
Inherently Decoupled Dc-Link Capacitor Voltage Control of Multilevel Neutral-Point-Clamped Converters
This paper derives and discusses the superiority of a simple dc-link capacitor voltage control configuration for multilevel neutral-point-clamped converters with any number of levels. The control involves n − 2 control loops regulating the difference between the voltage of neighbor capacitors.
Electrical Engineers, Electronic Suppliers and Manufacturers, EV Manufacturers, Power Electronic Engineers
Active Clamped, Capacitor Voltage Balance, Diode Clamped, E-Volve Cluster, Multipoint Clamped, Neutral-Point-Clamped Multilevel Converter, Pulsewidth Modulation, SCAPE, Transistor Clamped, Virtual Vector Pulsewidth Modulation
Moving Towards a Sustainable Design of Power Converters Contributing to Zero-Emissions in the EV Use Phase and Lower Environmental Impacts in its Production: A Material Assessment with Respect to Recyclability Aspects
In the frame of the European project SCAPE, this work analyses the environmental impacts associated with key materials from parts and auxiliaries of a conventional EV power converter. The Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) methodology was used to perform the assessment.
Automotive Suppliers, Electric Vehicle Manufacturers, Electric Vehicle Owners, Energy and Resource Managers, Environmental Advocacy Groups, Environmental Organizations, Environmental Protection Agencies, Environmental Research Centres, Financial Analysts, Non-Governmental Organizations, Public Transportation Agencies, Raw Material Extractors, Recycling Industry, Sustainability Investors, Universities, Waste Management Industry
CO2 Emissions, Critical Raw Materials, E-Volve Cluster, Electric Vehicles, Electronic Components, Life Cycle Assessment, Metal Depletion, Power Converters, SCAPE